My best time on this run was 1:21. Not too shabby, but I probably could have run it better that year. I was young and just enjoying the day.
My worst time up until now, was last year at 1:34.
This year, I did enjoy the run in many ways - the weather was beautiful, the fall colors were beautiful. I hadn't run since Columbus, so it felt great to just get out there and run. About 1/4 mile into the race, we run through the tunnel. The tunnel is pretty long, and it gets DARK in there. All you can see is the shoes of the person in front of you. It's always neat to get in the tunnel with people who have never been there before. There were a lot of first timers around me this year.
As the race went on, my body started to say, HEY! You needed to train! Miles 5-8 were especially tough for me. At about the 8 mile mark, the song 'Teenagers' by My Chemical Romance came on my ipod and gave me the boost I needed to kick it back in gear. By that time, I had let too much time slip past me, so I was happy to just run out the last two miles and finish strong.
That is what I did. My official time was 1:44:15.
I was the only one in our group that rode down together to not get at least an age group award. I've only won one age group award there in all the years I've run it. And, that was not the year I PR'ed. I got lucky one year when nobody else my age ran.
Shanna won first place overall for Women in 1:09.
Garrett won third place for his age in 1:12
Barbie won 2nd place for her age in 1:20
Tim won third place for his age in 1:13.
Here are some after pictures. The first is me, Shanna and Barbie:

The trail sounds wonderful. Great pics and good job on the race.
Sounds like you had a good time, despite the time.
It looks cool!
ok I LAUGHED OUT LOUD at your coining of the phrase PW.
Im so gonna borrow that---though hopefully not today.
Ouch on the chub rub, babe. It is not a worst if you were out there running. Great job!
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