"Hey Monday" opened it up and was very entertaining. The sound was reminiscent of "Paramore", with the female lead singer. You know you haven't made it big yet when the band members have to help out with the tear down and set up of their equipment, as the first two bands did.
But, then came "Carolina Liar". I LOVED this band. They were a little quirky in their performance and sounded much different from the others. Very 80's new wave type sound. I even bought their CD after the show.

The headline bands were great, of course. I even knew some of their music. Well, we also listened to some of it on the way over, so I cheated a little bit.
I didn't get home until around midnight, and managed to make it to work this morning. There was no school yesterday or today, so don't worry about the kids falling asleep at school!
Am I a cool mom or what?
Tomorrow- Tunnel Hill 10 Mile trail run. This should be interesting... I still haven't ran all week. I have decided that if I'm not feeling a bit more normal after the time change, I'm going to break down and go to the doctor.
You're definitely a cool mom! Good luck on the trail run tomorrow!
you are the greatest mom ever! I hope you are feeling better soon. The time change always kills me.
you are the greatest mom ever! I hope you are feeling better soon. The time change always kills me.
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