Let me elaborate.
I have ran this race several times in the past. It's always been a well organized, well put-on event. This year, they decided to use chip timing. This is a race with between 350-400 participants between the 5K and 10K events.
I went there with 2 other friends, who had pre-registered. I, as usual, put it off until the last minute and didn't pre-register. Race start time was 7:30am. We arrived at 7:05am.
They told me that they weren't going to time me, since I wasn't there before 7am. O-K. So, I don't get a chip, but they time me by the clock, right?
NOPE! The results are on their website today, and I'm not even there! GRRR!!
Excuse me, but they should put that on the form. It said on the form that they would stop giving chips at 7am *sharp*. Well, a lot of races say stuff like that, but NEVER have I been told that I'm too late and they aren't going to time me, AT ALL! So, I bought a $25 t-shirt and ran with a bunch of people, basically.
I did enjoy the run. It was overcast, so the heat didn't get to me too bad. I felt good throughout the entire run and never really felt like I was pushing myself too hard. At the time, I held back a little bit because I thought I would be doing a long run Sunday morning, but I decided to flip flop next weekend's 6 with this weekend's 14. OK, so I decided that when I got up Sunday morning at 6:15am and the heat and humidity was already so oppressive that it took your breath away.
Luckily, I didn't place in my age group, so the timing was not really a huge deal. I know who finished right before and after me, what the clock said as I crossed the finish, and what Garmin said, so based on all of that, I'm calling my "official" time 59:58.
I went to the race with Barbie and Shanna- Barbie won her age group, and Shanna was the overall female winner! Yay! She ran the thing in 42:01. Can you believe it? That's a 6:47 pace! That girl can run!!
Here's a picture of us from the Hofbraufest run the week before:

Holy crap! I've never heard of such a thing.
Way to freaking go on the time though!
Nice time Tammy! Ridiculous about the chip though...I'd be pissed
I'm with ya...GRRRRR about the chip thing... I'd have been livid. Why do they need 30 minutes before race time with Chip Timing anyway? I've run two races this year where someone I was running with practically sprinted from the registration table to the start line...CHIP IN HAND! (BTW, if it's not on your shoe, the chip doesn't work. One of my friends learned this the hard way. She didn't think she had time to attach it to her shoe (which is silly...that's one of the benefits of the chip...right? It gives you your running time...but I digress Anyway, she left it in her pocket, so it didn't work. But she still had a clock time!
I do like the name of the race tho...Run for the Bagel...It made me laugh.
Great time Tammy, Congratulations. I am telling you the RD's in your area need you to shake em up, cancelling races not giving you chips...ugh! Heads are gonna roll. LOL! Please tell me you got a bagel....
this Jewish woman loved the name as well.
and it made her hungry.
GO YOU on the time!
That is ridiculous about the timing thing. Just wrong.
You guys are totally HAWT!
I can't believe they didn't even time you! Okaaaaay...
GREAT time though! Way to go.
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