On to the running... It was H-O-T this weekend. I got up and out the door before 7am on Saturday morning for my 9 mile run, and still thought I would die before I finished. I am NOT acclimated to this kind of heat and humidity yet. It was already 73 degrees when I finished my run, and sunny and humid. But, I managed it, v-e-r-y slowly. I was talking to myself the entire time about how I just want to get the miles, and I don't care if I have to WALK them. I probably wound up walking almost one full mile with all the walk breaks by the time it was all said and done. But, I got the miles done! Eventually, I suppose I'll get acclimated to this heat- I just wish it was a more gradual change!
On Sunday, my old friend Angie and I went to see the Sex and the City movie. Angie and I remained friends and kept in touch, but circumstances in our lives have kept us from spending a lot of time together over the past few years. We do meet up for lunch from time to time, but we used to be inseparable. I didn't realize how much time had passed until she came over and my 'little boy' came out of his bedroom and was probably 6 inches taller than her! Wow! Where did the time go? Am I really this old?
We had a fantastic time hanging out and seeing the movie. It was just like old times, and the movie was fabulous. It wasn't exactly what we expected, but I loved it nonetheless.
I suppose the entire past week has been all about how quickly time passes, while you're not even paying attention.
Woohoo on the miles. Especially since you has to acclimate!
The heat is tough, isnt it? Well, the humidity makes it even worse. Good job on the mileage!
Congrats on the grad. Time does fly doesn't it?
Running when it's hot and humid is baaad. Good job getting the mileage in.
Nice job on the run. I hate running in the heat (worse than below zero). It is hard!
Congrats to your daughter. Times does fly. Mine is starting kindergarten this year and I know graduation will be here before I know it.
Way to keep going in that hear on a long run!
Congrats to graduate. Time does fly. UGH!
I am glad you had a great weekend with your friend. The movie was the best. For me it was just seeing SATC again. I love them!
Congrats to the graduate!
Great job on the miles :)
Congrats on the HOT run. I dno't know how you guys do it in the humidity. Way to go.
Oh man, I remember 8th grade graduation. We snuck cigarettes from our parents and I wore really big "Peace" earrings.
I just told DH this morning that my days of running outside are over until October. I pass out just standing in the heat. I'm not about to run in it.
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