So, the weather outside is per-fect for running. It's been around 60-65 degrees when I wake up in the mornings, and the sun is just starting to rise.
Have I been running every day?
Absolutely not!
I will admit that I've been inconsistent, but I'm still running. I'm taking a few days off work sprinkled through the next 3 weeks. My plan is to use these days to get rested, get in a few extra miles, and kick-start my marathon training.
That, and there is NO WAY I will be able to take any days off in July, since I'll be neck-deep in a ginormous project at work. Blech! Seriously, what is the use in getting the extra week of vacation (my first year with the extra week) when you can't even schedule the time off?
Eh, I'd rather be busy than bored at work, I suppose... I just don't love the off-shift work during start-ups for these projects.
Here is a picture from Saturday's race. Very, very unflattering to me. I need to find some friends my size to be photographed next to... I think I outweigh these girls by at least 50 lbs!
And, ya gotta love that Barbie also ran the 15K and had time to change her clothes, but I just finished running...

Tammy, I think the picture is great- you totally have the post-race glow, and you have a fantastic smile. Keep plugging along. Good luck with your training, and your big project at work. I feel your pain- summer is busy-season in my office (I knew I should have been a school teacher).
I enjoy your blog- thanks for the inspiration.
1) You look fabulous
2) You're sportin' a TROPHY
Envious on both counts... Congrats on the 2nd in your division. That Rocks!
Tammy, I think you look great. Seriously, you're absolutely radiant!
Tammy- you look great!
Tammy, you look great and like a champ! Get the helloutta here. I should show you pics of me with my friends then you would say horrible. Hang on with the busy schedule and training.
LOL I always say "I need to find fatter friends". I think you look great.
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