Here is a picture of the three of us with Bart Yasso at the Expo. This one was taken with a cell phone, so it's a little fuzzy.
Here is one of Barbie and me getting ready to leave our hotel room.

Here I am coming around the bend. I'm the little bright blue speck to the left of the goal post, with my arms in the air... they had just announced my name. Look how far I got ahead of the runner behind me!
And, finally, some pictures with the girls after my finish! Notice how I can't seem to wipe the smile off my face. I felt so fantastic!
Looks like a great day. What a great experience to be able to share with friends.
Great pics!
Love the pics!
I just read your race report (yep, I'm a day or two behind right now). Awesome. Just. Awesome. Under 5 hours? I bow to you!
I love your big smile at the end...well earned. Now go have a mimosa for me :-)
Those are great pics. I can feel the sense of accomplishment shine right through your smile.....I'd wear it for a while for sure!
Great pics! I cannot believe you are smiling in all the pics. Congrats again!
I can't believe I missed your marathon! I am so all about me!
Great pics. I love that you me Yasso!
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