Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Only 3 Days...

In 3 days, at the Flying Pig, my BFF is going to qualify for the Boston Marathon.

I will be suffering through the Half. I was in Chicago earlier this week for work, and had plenty of time to think on the drive there and back. I was thinking about how strong and how good I felt about a year ago. I had gotten back to my "fighting weight", and was running consistently and my times were improving at every single distance.

Fast forward to the past couple of months. I'm not running consistently. I just can't motivate myself to get out the door. Now, I can give you a million excuses why I can't do it, but there are a lot of people out there who have a lot more going on than I do- that do manage and make it happen.
Plus, I'm eating like a pig. I weigh more now than I have ever weighed, with the exception of when I was last pregnant- 13+ years ago.

There is absolutely no good reason why I am not running at the same level as she is. And, I stress no GOOD reason. There is no good reason why I have let myself gain 30 lbs in the past year. None.

So, on the drive home, I was visualizing myself running and feeling strong and healthy. Now, I have to make that happen.

I know I've been saying this for a long time, but it seems like it may have actually clicked this time.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are headed in the right direction - physically and mentally! You will do great!

Viv said...

Tammy, I have complete faith in you. I know you will be running at your desired level and be at your fighting weight soon. You see it, now it's yours to do. :-)

Teresa said...

Tammy, we are our own worst critics. Whatever other people are dealing with, your experiences are just that - yours - not to be compared or diminished because of your perception of how others handle their experiences.

How's the insomnia? Are the meds working? Sleep is so important to weight control, running energy, etc., these are good (well, you know what I mean) reasons - not excuses. We are all harder on ourselves than others would ever be or that we would ever be on others. Give yourself the same courtesy.

Glad you feel your visualization clicked!

~~everyone look away~~


Carly said...

Good Luck at your race. I know what you are feeling about having no good reason for not being motivated. I am the same way.

Al's CL Reviews said...

I'm the same way.

BTW- I'm adding you to my page...