It's the story of my life.
I'm a procrastinator (in case you didn't know that already).
For the past few weeks, I've been toying with the idea of running the Rock and Roll Half Marathon in Chicago on August 2. The kids haven't been to Chicago in a couple of years, so I thought we would go up during the summer when it's actually warm. I found out yesterday that the project I am working on that had a launch date of August 3 was going to be postponed to mid-August. This makes it much easier for me to get away for that weekend. So, today, I went to the website to check it out. Registration for the Half was $70 through April 30. It's now $85. There isn't another increase before the Expo, so I'll probably just hold off now until I'm absolutely 100% sure that I'm going to go.
Another example of me, procrastinating... I'm just now getting around to uploading the pictures from our mini-trip over Spring Break (week of April 6). Here are a couple of them from the wax museum. The wax museum was a lot of fun, but taking the pictures was the best part!
I got to "meet" Johnny Depp!
They call her Bond, Alex Bond...
Don't ask him about his business...
I was far too entertained by the Wax museum. We actually took more pictures there than anywhere else on our trip!
This weekend, I've planned a 5K at the last minute. It's tomorrow.
I'll be continuing the P90X. The soreness is mostly gone, now, but I admit I haven't done the Legs and Back workout yet.
I'm hoping to get ahead of the homework situation for the class I'm taking. My final project is already due next week! The accelerated program seemed like a good idea at the time, but now it's more like a runaway train...
Oooh, procrastion has kicked my ass all over the place lately. It SUCKS. :o)
great pics!
Just do it!!!
Procrastination? hahahahaha. I still have papers from LAST WEEKEND to grade...((sigh)).
Chicago won't sell out will it?
The wax museum looks so cool! I would wait too because it would be a shame to pay now and find out later that you can't make it.
Really nice pictures!! I want to see them all! :-) AND! Don't beat yourself up so much about your eating and running! You'll get there! I have confidence in you!
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