In more ways than one.
This summer, I will be making a move. The kids and I will be moving to the city. Well, probably more like the suburbs, of Chicago.
I'm ready for change, and the opportunities in the new location will be much more plentiful than they are here.
Stay tuned for the relocation saga.
The other upcoming change is the always present weight loss dilemma. I sound like a broken record, I know.
I recently met up with some old friends for lunch.

Problem #1: I hate the way my hair looks. That will be easy to fix, and will be fixed very soon.
Problem #2: I am twice as big as everybody else in the picture. Granted, I am 5 inches taller than they are, so I will never be as small. I do want to be confident in the way I look, however. Right now, I am not.
Over the weekend, I decluttered my house, including my closet. I found more clothes than one person could ever want or need. The only problem is that these clothes are in 5 different sizes, and I have the least amount of clothes in the largest sizes, the sizes I wear now.
My regularly scheduled races will have to be changed.
This makes me sad.
I'll miss the Tunnel Hill Trail Run, all of the tiny little 5Ks, the Turkey Trot 15K that is 3 loops of the same 5K course, and many others. I may travel down here for some of them, but not all.
I do have two races on the schedule in Chicago for this Summer/Fall already ~ the Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon on August 1, and the Chicago Marathon on 10/10/10.
I'm considering a local 10K on Memorial Day in the meantime, and possibly one of those small 5Ks this Saturday the 29th...